Young Boys


Time Playground Team 1 Result Team 2 Referee
10:00 LOMBARDI Den klenge Sylvain siicht seng Mamm 27-9 Sie sinn schon ze hacke Pitcher
10:30 LOMBARDI Pitcher 19-21 Averna Luxcontrol
11:00 LOMBARDI Luxcontrol 0-15 Young Boys Den klenge Sylvain siicht seng Mamm
11:30 LOMBARDI Den klenge Sylvain siicht seng Mamm 25-10 Pitcher Sie sinn schon ze hacke
12:00 LOMBARDI Sie sinn schon ze hacke 34-13 Young Boys Averna
12:30 LOMBARDI Averna 15-0 Luxcontrol Pitcher
13:00 LOMBARDI Sie sinn schon ze hacke 20-19 Pitcher Luxcontrol
13:30 LOMBARDI Den klenge Sylvain siicht seng Mamm 15-0 Luxcontrol Young Boys
14:00 LOMBARDI Averna 29-9 Young Boys Sie sinn schon ze hacke
14:30 LOMBARDI Sie sinn schon ze hacke 15-0 Luxcontrol Young Boys
15:00 LOMBARDI Pitcher 32-14 Young Boys Den klenge Sylvain siicht seng Mamm
15:30 LOMBARDI Den klenge Sylvain siicht seng Mamm 24-13 Averna Luxcontrol
16:00 LOMBARDI Pitcher 15-0 Luxcontrol Averna
16:45 LOMBARDI Sie sinn schon ze hacke 18-25 Averna Young Boys
17:45 LOMBARDI Den klenge Sylvain siicht seng Mamm 15-0 Young Boys Pitcher


Time Playground Team 1 Result Team 2 Referee
09:30 BONARIA FRERES Young Boys 20-26 The Halfbaked Toxkäpp!
10:15 BONARIA FRERES Toxkäpp! 13-29 All Stars The Halfbaked
11:00 BONARIA FRERES The Halfbaked 15-28 Filinto Young Boys
11:45 BONARIA FRERES Young Boys 24-21 Toxkäpp! All Stars
12:30 BONARIA FRERES The Halfbaked 21-16 All Stars Filinto
13:15 BONARIA FRERES Filinto 30-15 Toxkäpp! Young Boys
14:00 BONARIA FRERES Young Boys 13-27 All Stars Toxkäpp!
15:30 BONARIA FRERES The Halfbaked 31-13 Toxkäpp! Filinto
16:15 BONARIA FRERES Young Boys 16-27 Filinto All Stars
16:30 PITCHER Filinto 18-20 All Stars The Halfbaked


Pool 7

Position Team Points Played Diff Points + Points -
1 Den klenge Sylvain siicht seng Mamm 10 5 74 106 32
2 Averna 8 5 33 103 70
3 Sie sinn schon ze hacke 6 5 12 96 84
4 Pitcher 4 5 15 95 80
5 Young Boys 2 5 -59 51 110
6 Luxcontrol 0 5 -75 0 75


Pool 9

Position Team Points Played Diff Points + Points -
1 Filinto 6 4 37 103 66
2 All Stars 6 4 27 92 65
3 The Halfbaked 6 4 16 93 77
4 Young Boys 2 4 -28 73 101
5 Toxkäpp! 0 4 -52 62 114